Sales & Preparation


We prepare stock for all the major sales in England and Ireland, being regular consignors at Tatterstalls and Goffs. From foals and yearlings for both codes, to National Hunt stores and Horses in Training, we ensure that they arrive at the sales ring in top condition before they are subjected to scrutiny from buyers. We can also advise and represent you at all major sales if you are seeking to acquire bloodstock.

We believe in taking a calm approach with bloodstock being readied for sale, yet still ensuring they are exposed to plenty of hustle and bustle on a working farm, which helps prepares the young stock for the sales environment.

Foals are walked in hand every day around the fields and the farm. They soon learn to walk to the hand rather than going around a walker, which we feel teaches them little and puts excess strain on joints. They are then turned out and allowed natural interaction.

Yearlings and National Hunt Stores are long reined, lunged, and given a more varied routine. They are assessed individually yet still allowed daily turn out with like minded companions and allowed to interact as nature intended.

Whatever your requirements are, or if you need advice regarding which sale you should be aiming for, please call Richard for further advice.